[Pandemic Year]

Kleine Edition vol. 33
August Verlag, Berlin 2021, 176 pages
ISBN 978-3-941360-83-9
DOI 10.52438/avaa1002 (Open Access)

“Theory” is prone to speaking in the present tense. Yet, this is a metaphorical present tense that actually claims to be above time. The COVID-19 pandemic as state of exception invites us to re-examine this present tense and to render visible the inevitable ties of theory to current events. The claustrophobic situation of lockdown has revealed an uncanny correlation between theory and phobia, each seeking retrospective confirmation in reality. Through this correlation the state of lockdown, in which cultural-theoretical thinking was stuck anyway, becomes visible to itself as in a mirror. By way of an “ethics of occurrence,” Henning Trüper creates an inventory of the problems and lessons to which  the theory of morality and related fields, in particular, are exposed in the “school of the pandemic.”


Bücher im Gespräch

Episode 3: Seuchenjahr

For our podcast, Henning Trüper talked to Christoph Paret about his book. (in German)


  This publication is part of a project that has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (Grant Agreement 863393: AISLES).