Konferenz des Instituts für Jüdische Studien in Antwerpen
22.11.2017 – 24.11.2017 · 12.30 Uhr

Citing Violence, Inciting Critique. Karl Kraus, 1933

Ort: Universität Antwerpen, Hof van Liere Prinsstraat 13b, 2000 Antwerpen (BE)

Konferenz organisiert vom Institut für Jüdische Studien an der Universität Antwerpen in Kooperation mit Gal Hertz (ZfL Berlin/Tel Aviv University).

»To me, nothing comes to mind about Hitler« (Mir fällt zu Hitler nichts ein) is the famous opening line of Karl Kraus’s analysis of the first months of National Socialism. This 300-page fragment was written between May and September 1933, and first published only in 1952 as Third Walpurgis Night.

The conference will seek to read this text by Kraus, paying attention to the political, historical and cultural conflicts of this decisive year of Hitler’s rise to power. We will discuss this topic in a transnational perspective that also takes into account developments in Austria, Italy, and other countries. Additionally, the conference seeks to place Kraus’s writings in dialog with a broader spectrum of voices, including literary, theatrical, philosophical, historical, or others (e.g. Brecht, Benjamin, Arendt).


Mittwoch, 22.11.2017
12.30 Uhr
13.15 Uhr
Welcome by Vivian Liska
13.30 Uhr
Introduction to Karl Kraus’ Dritte Walpurgisnacht
Gerald Krieghofer, Gal Hertz
15.00 Uhr
Karl Kraus and the Political Crisis – die Sozial Demokraten und Dollfuss
Lucile Dreidemy, Florian Wenninger
16.45 Uhr
1933, Why was the Fackel not published?
Katharina Prager, Brigitte Stocker
Donnerstag, 23.11.2017
09.30 Uhr
António Ribeiro: Kraus’s Poetics of Quotation in Times of Despair (Keynote Lecture)
11.15 Uhr
Citing Violence: Kraus, Adorno and Arendt
Björn Quiring, Ariel L. Linden
14.00 Uhr
Kressmann Taylor’s Address Unknown
Bernd Witte, Vivian Liska
15.00 Uhr
Words and Deeds: Critique of Language in Nazi Times
Daniel Weidner, Ron Mieczkowski
20.00 Uhr
»Er ist Doch ä Jud« – He Is Still A Jew: Karl Kraus and Jewish Identity
Gerald Krieghofer, Katharina Prager, Galili Shahar
Freitag, 24.11.2017
09.30 Uhr
Images of Violence
Martin Treml, Theresa Walter
11.15 Uhr
Abschließende Bemerkungen von Gal Hertz und Diskussion