Barbara Picht: Historismusstreit
Lecture at the conference “Conceptos en disputa, disputas sobre conceptos / Concetti in discussione, discussioni circa concetti / Umstrittige Begriffe, Streite über Begriffe” organized by the research groups “Historia Conceptual y Crítica de la Modernidad” at the Universitat de València and “Historia de la Filosofía y Ontología Crítica” at the Universidad de Salamanca, 13.–15. Sep 2021
The historian Barbara Picht is head of the program area History of Theory at the ZfL and research associate for the project The 20th Century in Basic Concepts. A Dictionary of Socio-Political and Cultural Semantics in Germany.
Further lectures by ZfL researchers as part of the conference:
Monday, 13 Sep 2021, 12.30
Ernst Müller: Fakultäten/Universitätenstreit
Wednesday, 15 Sep 2021, 12.30
Falko Schmieder: Positivismusstreit