Wednesday lecture
15 Jun 2022 · 6.30 pm

Heike Solga (Berlin Social Science Center): Wirken gleichstellungspolitische Maßnahmen beim Zugang zu Professuren? Erfahrungen aus Deutschland

Venue: Leibniz-Zentrum für Literatur- und Kulturforschung, Schützenstr. 18, 10117 Berlin, Aufgang B, 3. Et., Trajekte-Tagungsraum

The underrepresentation of women in professorships in Germany is caused by two phenomena: the ‘Leaky Pipeline’ (the sinking percentage of women on rising career levels despite increasingly higher educational qualifications by women and an active gender equality politics) and the ‘Glass Ceiling’ (women’s limited access to higher levels of management due to gender-specific discrimination, a non-transparent information situation, and executive boards mostly being comprised of only men). The lecture will present the results of two studies that focus on the Glass Ceiling. This will provide insights into the following questions: (1) 40% of women on boards: does that help? (2) What is better: standardization (comparable achievements) or positive discrimination (prioritizing women in the case of equal achievements)? (3) What is the real reason for the underrepresentation of women in professorships?  


Heike Solga is Director of the Research Unit “Skill Formation and Labor Markets” at WZB Berlin Social Science Center and Professor of Sociology at Freie Universität Berlin.

Publications (selection):