Lecture & talk
14 Apr 2024 · 5.00 pm
Im Zweifel für den Zweifel: Neu Beginnen mit Albert O. Hirschman
Venue: tak - Theater Aufbau Kreuzberg, Zugang Prinzenstraße 85 F UG, 10969 Berlin
Lecture and talk as part of a series of events curated by Alexander Karschnia on the life, work and achievements of Albert O. Hirschman at tak - Theater Aufbau Kreuzberg
Guests: Jeremy Adelman (Cambridge) and Patrick-Eiden-Offe (ZfL)
Moderator: Ulrich Gutmair (taz)
The germanist Patrick Eiden-Offe holds a Heisenberg position with the project Georg Lukács: An Intellectual Biography and is the research team leader of the project The Cartography of the Political Novel in Europe.