Eva Geulen on Hannah Arendt on Walter Benjamin

Eva Geulen on Hannah Arendt on Walter Benjamin | MERKUR – Second Reading

Eva Geulen recommends the portrait of Walter Benjamin written by Hannah Arendt for a second reading. The text was published in three parts in Merkur in 1968 and takes a unique perspective on the figure of Benjamin. A conversation with the Merkur editors Ekkehard Knörer and Christian Demand.

The digital MERKUR archive contains more than 11000 texts published since the magazine was founded in 1947. In the video interview series Zweite Lesung [Second Reading], editors Christian Demand and Ekkehard Knörer invite authors, friends, and companions of the magazine to talk about MERKUR texts that particularly stuck in their memory—and which are worth picking up for a second reading.
All recommended texts can be read online at no charge.


Video: © MERKUR

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