06 Sep 2022 · 10.00 am

Politisch-soziale Grundbegriffe wissenschaftlicher Provenienz

Venue: Leibniz-Zentrum für Literatur- und Kulturforschung, Schützenstr. 18, 10117 Berlin, Aufgang B, 3. Et., Trajekte-Tagungsraum
Contact: Barbara Picht
Research project(s): The 20th Century in Basic Concepts

The ZfL-based subproject Basic Socio-Political Concepts of Scientific Provenance of the joint project The 20th Century in Basic Concepts explores concepts that originated in scientific discourse and that migrate between the disciplines and into  socio-political as well as everyday discourse. This type of concept is specific for the socio-political language of the 20th century and sets it apart from that of previous centuries. In comparison to Koselleck’s Basic Concepts in History (Geschichtliche Grundbegriffe), this type of concept also documents a shift in formative semantics from the historical- and sociophilosophical to the scientific level which was formulated under the keywords of a scientification of the social or a politicization of the sciences.

By looking at concepts such as “Kreativität,” “Energie,” “Diversität,” “Human/Humanität,” “Biopolitik,” and “Regulierung/Regulation,” the workshop explores this type of concept while also demonstrating the tools “Cosmas II” and “ScoT” which were developed specifically for the research on the history of concepts by exemplarily applying them on four of these concepts.



  • Falko Schmieder: Welcome and introducion


  • Morten Bierganns: “Kreativität”


  • Alexander Friedrich/Chris Biemann: ScoT on “Kreativität”


  • Rüdiger Graf/Ernst Müller: “Energie”


  • Georg Toepfer: “Diversität”


  • Stefan Scholl: Cosmas II on “Diversität”


  • Henning Trüper: “Human/Humanität”


  • Alexander Friedrich/Stefan Scholl: ScoT and Cosmas II on “Human/Humanität”


  • Kevin Liggieri: “Regulierung/Regulation” (via Zoom)


  • Alexander Friedrich/Stefan Scholl: ScoT and Cosmas II on “Regulierung/Regulation”