14 Nov 2018 · 6.30 pm

Stefan Andriopoulos (New York): Gespenster. Kant und Marx

Venue: ZfL, Schützenstr. 18, 10117 Berlin, 3. Et., Trajekte-Tagungsraum

ATTENTION: The Wednesday lectures at the ZfL henceforth always start at 6.30 pm!

Based on his book Ghostly Apparitions, Stefan Andriopoulos analyses the return of Kant's spectres in Marx. The exposure of the phantasmagoric form of the commodity in Das Kapital thus becomes readable as an adaptation of Kant's theory of transcendental appearances. At the same time, Marx's evocation of wandering ghosts continues Kant's criticism of the circulation of ghost stories in popular print media.

Moderation: Eva Geulen (ZfL)

Stefan Andriopoulos is Professor of German at Columbia University in New York. He received his doctorate from the University of Hamburg and held guest lectureships in Cologne, Harvard and Weimar, among others, before taking up his professorship in New York in 2013. His research focuses on German and European literature as well as media and their interaction with science. His book Ghostly Apparitions, published in 2013, was named Book of the Year by the Times Literary Supplement. Andriopoulos received the 2010 Columbia Distinguished Faculty Award for his teaching and research.

Publications (selection)

  • Gespenster. Kant, der Schauerroman und optische Medien (Konstanz 2018)
  • On Brainwashing. Mind Control, Media, and Warfare (= Grey Room 45, 2011, Mithg.)
  • 1929. Beiträge zur Archäologie der Medien (Frankfurt am Main 2002, Mithg.)
  • Hypnotic Crimes, Corporate Fiction, and the Invention of Cinema (Chicago 2009)
  • Unfall und Verbrechen. Konfigurationen zwischen juristischem und literarischem Diskurs um 1900 (Pfaffenweiler 1996)


Further dates

At the invitation of the Peter Szondi Institute for General and Comparative Literature and the Friedrich Schlegel Graduate School at Freie Universität Berlin, Stefan Andriopoulos will hold a workshop on November 15, 2018 on his book Ghostly Apparitions, which has just been translated into German.

Date: 15 Nov 2018, 3.00–7.00 pm
Venue: Freie Universität Berlin, Habelschwerdter Allee 45, 14195 Berlin, Room JK 33/121 (Seminar room of the FSGS)

Guest participants are welcome, please register until 12 Nov 2018 to