ZfL INFO 27/2020: Neuerscheinung: Beiträge zur kulturwissenschaftlichen Zeitschriftenforschung. Themenschwerpunkt IASL 1/2020
betreut von Moritz Neuffer, Anke Jaspers und Barbara Picht
So allgegenwärtig Zeitschriften in der Geschichte der Ideen, der Künste und der Wissenschaften sind, so erklärungs- und theoriebedürftig sind ihre Funktionen, Darstellungsweisen und Adressierungsleistungen. Das Internationale Archiv für Sozialgeschichte der deutschen Literatur (IASL) veröffentlicht in einem zweiteiligen Themenschwerpunkt Beiträge aus dem Arbeitskreis Kulturwissenschaftliche Zeitschriftenforschung, der 2017 am Leibniz-Zentrum für Literatur- und Kulturforschung mitgegründet wurde. Fallbeispiele aus unterschiedlichen historischen Kontexten werden in diesem und im Folgeheft mit Blick auf geteilte methodische Problemstellungen einer kulturwissenschaftlichen Zeitschriftenforschung diskutiert.
- Moritz Neuffer: Editorial | 103–111
- Nora Ramtke: Zeitschrift und Zeitgeschichte. Die Zeiten (1805–1820) als chronopoetisches Archiv ihrer Gegenwart | 112–134
This article discusses periodicals as media formats that are dependent on and correlated with time. This article treats periodical publication as a form of chronopoetics, exploring modes of writing the present at work in journals as well as their varied relationships to history writing. Focusing on Die Zeiten, a historical-political monthly magazine of the Napoleonic Era, this article describes chronopoetic writing as the imbrication of history, as the experience of time in and through medial formats, and describes the more specific rhetorical, material, and medial temporalities of periodicals. - Philipp Pabst, Hannah Zipfel: »Bye SPEX! What’s next?« Zur Historisierung einer Pop-Kulturzeitschrift | 135–149
In 2018, the crisis of print media hit German pop journalism hard. Following Groove, Intro and Melodie und Rhythmus, Spex – the most influential magazine of German pop journalism – too ceased production. This article examines the history of Spex as one fraught with frequent endings and crises – a process that ultimately led to the self-historicization of the magazine. - Hannes Fischer: ›Nationaljournale‹ gründen vor 1800: Das Avertissement. Mit bislang verschollenen Werbeschriften des Deutschen Museums (1776–1789) und der Berlinischen Monatsschrift (1783–1796) | 150–187
On the basis of newly discovered Avertissements, this paper reconstructs the process of founding the popular journals Teutscher Merkur, Deutsches Museum, and Berlinische Monatsschrift in the late eighteenth century. The Avertissements were meant to attract new readers and writers to the newly founded journal. By comparing and analyzing these short programmatic texts, the paper shows how, by developing new strategies of distribution and reader participation, the three monthlies established the concept of the Nationaljournal. - Niklas Schmich: Perspektiven. Zur Krise Europas in der Revista de Occidente und im Merkur | 188–208
This article is based on the correspondence between the first editors of the German cultural magazine Merkur (since 1947) and the Spanish philosopher José Ortega y Gasset, archived in the Deutsches Literaturarchiv Marbach. By taking a comparative approach to the journal Revista de Occidente (since 1923) and the Merkur, this article explores how the publications reacted to their reception of crisis in different European cultures and thereby promoted a particular idea of European and national intellectual renewal. This was a crucial dynamic of their respective post-war discourses. An important link was the romance philologist Ernst Robert Curtius, who published in the Spanish magazine and whose critical essayistic work set in motion a transfer of ideas from the South to the North. - Malte Lorenzen: Die Zeitschrift als Medium des Vergleich(en)s. Eine exemplarische Analyse der deutschsprachigen Rundschaupublizistik während des Ersten Weltkriegs | 209–227
Magazines bring together heterogeneous texts – texts various in content, genre, and authorship. This affects the ways magazines produce knowledge. They not only accumulate individual articles but in doing so also offer the possibility to compare between the articles. Using examples from German World War I magazines, this paper demonstrates the comparative epistemological potential of the magazine.