Prof. Dr. Henning Trüper


  • Since January 2024 associate professor, history of ideas, University of Oslo.
  • April 2023 -May 2024 Deputy Director, ZfL.
  • August 2021 - May 2024 Co-chair program area History of Theory.
  • Since 2020 Research Project ERC Consolidator Grant "Archipelagic Imperatives: Shipwreck and Lifesaving in European Societies since 1800" (AISLES).
  • 2019-2020 Research project Humanitarian Imperatives. Saving Lives from Nautical Distress and Shipwreck in Modern Europe (DFG).
  • 2016-2019 University Researcher / Core Fellow at Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies.
  • 2018 Habilitation Modern History, University of Zurich.
  • 2014-2016 Lecturer and adjunct lecturer at the chair for history of science, Technische Universität Berlin.
  • 2013-2014 Member, School of Social Science, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton.
  • 2012-2014 M4Human Marie Curie Fellowship Gerda Henkel Foundation, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Centre de recherches historiques, Paris.
  • 2009-2011 Postdoctoral researcher at University Reseach Priority Program Asia and Europe, University of Zurich.
  • 2004-2008 Doctoral Studies at European University Institute, Florence.
  • 2003-2004 Collaborator, Max Weber's Collected Works edition (Munich/Göttingen).
  • 1997-2003 University Studies (M.A.) Medieval and Modern History, Philosophy, German Literature, in Göttingen, Berkeley, Ghent.


  • February 2019 Visiting Scholar, New York University Abu Dhabi, media studies.
  • March-April 2019 Visiting Fellow, Research School of Social Sciences / School of History, Australian National University, Canberra.

Jury, Council, and Board Memberships

  • Advisory Board, History of the Present (Duke University Press).
  • 2019-2023: Member Managing Committee, COST Action 18140 PIMO – People in Motion: Entangled Histories of Displacement across the Mediterranean (1492-1923).

Research Interests

  • Cultural history and history of knowledge (late modern)
  • theory of history
  • historiography
  • history of philology and Orientalism
  • history of humanitarianism
  • saving lives from shipwreck



  • Seuchenjahr, Berlin: August Verlag, 2021.
  • Orientalism, Philology, and the Illegibility of the Modern World, London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2020.
  • Topography of a Method: François Louis Ganshof and the Writing of History, Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2014.
  • Die Vierteljahrschrift für Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte und ihr Herausgeber Hermann Aubin im Nationalsozialismus, Stuttgart: Steiner, 2005 (VSWG-Beihefte, 181).
  • Forthcoming:
    • Unsterbliche Werte: Über Historizität und Historisierung, Göttingen: Wallstein, 2024.


  • (with Jonathan Sheehan, Mario Wimmer) Forum: History's Religion, forthcoming in: Modern Intellectual History 19.4 (2022) (pre-publication, Online First View, August 2021).
  • (with Wolfgang Hottner) Japonismen der Theorie, Wien: Turia & Kant, 2021.
  • (with Dipesh Chakrabarty und Sanjay Subrahmanyam) Historical Teleologies in the Modern World, London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2015.
  • (with Sven Trakulhun) Biography Afield in Asia and Europe, theme issue in: Asiatische Studien / Etudes Asiatiques 67 (2013), no. 4.
  • (with Niklas Olsen) “Cultural Sites of Historical Writing: Perspectives on Rhetoric, Practice and Politics,” Forum, Storia della Storiografia 53 (2008).
  • Forthcoming
    • (with Jonathan Stafford, Burkhardt Wolf), Moral Seascapes: On the Ethics and Aesthetics of Maritime Emergency, Leuven: University of Leuven Press, 2024
    • (with Barbara Picht), Epochenwenden und Epochenwandel, Göttingen: Wallstein, c. 2024-5

Articles and book chapters

  • “Sitzungsprotokoll und Seenotrettung,” in: Anna Echterhölter, Caspar-Fridolin Lorenz, Tilman Richter (eds.), Apparate: Über Regierungsverfahren und Algorithmisierung, Stuttgart: Metzler, 2024, 155-162.
  • “Nausicaa's Cloth,” in: Natalie Fritz, Paola von Wyss-Giacosa, eds., Visual Reflections Across the Sea: A PIMo Collection of Essays on Mediterranean Crossings, Siena: IDEM, 2023, 214-223.
  • "Embarkation for Abdera: Historicization in Nietzsche’s Second Untimely Meditation," in: Quaderns de Filosofia 9.1 (2022), 55-84.
  • "Ikonologisches zum Verkehrsunfall," in: Gwendolin Engels et al., eds., Im Fuhrpark der Literatur: Kulturelle Imaginationen des Automobils, Göttingen: Wallstein, 2022, 61-72.
  • "Insel und Archipel," in: Eva Geulen, Claude Haas, eds., Formen des Ganzen, Göttingen: Wallstein, 2022, 89-96.
  • "Rettung der Toten vor dem Vergessen: Über Historisierung und Humanitarismus," in: KulturPoetik 22.1 (2022), 9-27.
  • "Depth and Death: On History, Humanitarianism, and Mortuary Culture," in: History of the Present 11.2 (Oktober 2021), 119-151:
  • "European Uses of History," in: Ann McGrath, Lynette Russell, eds. Companion to Indigenous Global History, London: Routledge, 2022, 33-55.
  • with Jonathan Sheehan, Mario Wimmer, "Beyond Secularized Eschatology: Introductory Remarks," in: idem (eds.), Forum: History's Religion, in Modern Intellectual History 19.4 (2022), Online First View, August 2021.
  • "Species and Salvation: Historical Theology in the Anthropocene?" in: Modern Intellectual History 19.4 (2022), 1245-61. Online First View (August 2021):
  • "Der Schatten des letzten Menschen und die List der Scham: Günther Anders in Hiroshima und Nagasaki," in: Wolfgang Hottner, Henning Trüper (eds.), Japonismen der Theorie, forthcoming Vienna: Turia & Kant, 2021, 124-77.
  • (with Wolfgang Hottner) "Japonismen der Theorie: Einleitung," in: idem (eds.), Japonismen der Theorie, forthcoming Vienna: Turia & Kant, 2021, 7-59.
  • "Philologie," in: Enzyklopädie der Genauigkeit, ed. Markus Krajewski, Antonia von Schöning, Mario Wimmer, Paderborn: Konstanz University Press, 2021, 356-69.
  • "Parzellierung und Abstraktion: Ganshof und Verhulst über Lehnswesen und Grundbesitz," in Simon Groth, Hg., Der geschichtliche Ort der historischen Forschung: Das 20. Jahrhundert, das Lehnswesen und der Feudalismus, Frankfurt/Main: Campus, 2020, 69-97.
  • "Japan in Löwiths Kritik der Geschichtsphilosophie," in: Tel Aviver Jahrbuch für deutsche Geschichte 47 (2019), 65-96.
  • "Philological Scripts in Cold War Media Theory," in: Javnost – The Public 26 (2019), 375-90.
  • "Aphrodite Stillborn: Heinrich Heine, Humanitarian Imperatives, and the Dead of Shipwreck,” in: History of the Present 9.1 (2019), 27-54.
  • "The Flatness of Historicity," in: History and Theory 58.1 (2019), 23-49.
  • "Epistemic Vice: Transgression in the Arabian Travels of Julius Euting," in: Christiaan Engberts, Herman Paul, eds., Scholarly Personae in the History of Orientalism, 1870-1930, Leiden: Brill, 2019, 64-98.
  • "The Finitude of Personae: Bryce D. Lyon, François Louis Ganshof, and the Biography of Pirenne," in: Herman Paul, ed., How to Be a Historian: Scholarly Personae in Historical Studies, 1800-2000, Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2019, 201-218.
  • "Welt der Weltphilologie: Die Briefe Uku Masings an Enno Littmann 1933-1943," in: Deutsche Vierteljahrschrift für Literaturwissenschaft und Geistesgeschichte, 92.4 (2018), 557-583 [URL:]. Übersetzung ins Estnische von Kalle Hein: “Maailmafiloloogia maailm: Uku Masingu kirjad Enno Littmannile 1933–1943,” by Kalle Hein, Akadeemia 32, no. 5 (2020): 829-67.
  • "Entanglements of Classics and Orientalism in the History of Philology, and of Princeton University, c. 1900,” in: Sabine Schmidtke, ed. Studying the Middle East at the Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, 1936-2017, Piscataway, NJ: Gorgias Press, 2018, 35-44.
  • "Disciplinarity and Forgetfulness: On the Older Historiography of Global Connections," in: Cromohs – Cyber Review of Modern Historiography 21 (2017), 18-29.
  • "La philologie du XIXe siècle: rencontres européennes et mondiales," in: La Revue d’histoire du XIXe siècle 54 (2017), 156-59.
  • "Heteropsy and Autopsy in Nineteenth-Century Aksumite Epigraphy," in: Storia della Storiografia 66 (2015), 121-42.
  • with Dipesh Chakrabarty und Sanjay Subrahmanyam, “Teleology and History: Nineteenth-Century Fortunes of an Enlightenment Project,” in: ibid. (eds.), Historical Teloelogies in the Modern World, London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2015, 3-23.
  • “Save Their Souls: Historical Teleology Goes to Sea in Nineteenth-Century Europe,” in: Henning Trüper, Dipesh Chakrabarty, Sanjay Subrahmanyam (eds.), Historical Teleologies in the Modern World, London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2015, 117-41.
  • “Matte farbige Schatten: Zugehörigkeiten des Gelehrtenpolitikers Carl Heinrich Becker”, in: Österreichische Zeitschrift für Geschichtswissenschaften 25.3 (2014), 177-211.
  • “Löwith, Löwith’s Heidegger, and the Unity of History,” in: History and Theory 53.1 (2014), 45-68.
  • “The Future of Historical Writing: On Christophe Charle, Homo Historicus: Réflexions sur l’histoire, les historiens et les sciences sociales; and Christophe Granger (ed.), A quoi pensent les historiens: Faire de l’histoire au XXIe siècle,” in: La vie des idées/Books and Ideas, 6 February 2014 [URL:].
  • “Dispersed Personae: Subject Matters of Scholarly Biography in Nineteenth-Century Oriental Philology,” in: Asiatische Studien 67.4 (2013), 1325-60.
  • “Biography Afield”, in: Asiatische Studien 67.4 (2013), 1059-74.
  • “Wild Archives: Unsteady Records of the Past in the Travels of Enno Littmann,” in: History of the Human Sciences 26.4 (2013), 128-48.
  • “Wie es uneigentlich gewesen: Zum Gebrauch der Fußnote bei Julius Wellhausen,” in: Zeitschrift für Germanistik, N.F. 23.2 (2013), 329-42.
  • “Suchen und Finden: Notizführung und Grammatik bei Theodor Nöldeke,” in: Thomas Brandstetter, Thomas Hübel, Anton Tantner (eds.), Vor Google: Suchmaschinen im analogen Zeitalter, Bielefeld: Transcript, 2012, 173-201.
  • “What Condition Our Condition Is in: On Jörn Rüsen, Henner Laass (eds.), Humanism in Intercultural Perspective,” in: History and Theory 51.2 (2012), 246-56.
  • “Unordnungssysteme: Zur Praxis der Notizführung bei Johan Huizinga,” in: zeitenblicke 10.1 (2011) [URL:, URN: urn:nbn:de:0009-9-30517].
  • “Primacy of the Historical: On a Few Snippets of Text with a View to Witnessing, Scholarship and Political Experience,” in: History of Political Thought 32.1 (2011), 97-123.
  • “A Dead Poet’s Society: On Ulrich Raulff, Kreis ohne Meister,” in: La vie des idées/Books & Ideas, 28 March 2011 [URL:].
  • “Learning Experiences, Emulating Affects, and Crafting Historicity: Franz Ganshof on Bruges, 1906, 1909,” in: European Review of History, 17.1 (2010), 125-149.
  • “History Takes Time and Writing Takes Time, Too: A Case Study of Temporal Notions in Historical Text,” in: Storia della Storiografia 53 (2008), 73-96.
  • with Niklas Olsen: “Cultural Sites of Historical Writing: Introduction,” in: Storia della Storiografia 53 (2008), 43-45.
  • “Das Klein-Klein der Arbeit. Die Notizführung des Historikers François Louis Ganshof,” in: Österreichische Zeitschrift für Geschichtswissenschaften 18.2 (2007), 82-104.
  • Forthcoming:
    • "Seenotrettung," in: Christopher Möllmann, Anna Pollmann (Hgg.), Schlüsselbegriffe gesellschaftlichen Zusammenhalts, Göttingen: Wallstein, 2024.
    • (with Jonathan Stafford, Burkhardt Wolf), Moral Seascapes: Introduction, in: idem. (eds.), Moral Seascapes: On the Ethics and Aesthetics of Maritime Emergency, Leuven: University of Leuven Press, 2024.
    • Seascapes of the Drowned: Günther Uecker and the Iconography of the Dead of Shipwreck, in: Jonathan Stafford, Henning Trüper, Burkhardt Wolf (eds.), Moral Seascapes: On the Ethics and Aesthetics of Maritime Emergency, Leuven: University of Leuven Press, 2024.
    • Aussterben und Unsterblichkeit der Menschheit in der Geschichtsphilosophie, in: Leander Scholz, Georg Toepfer (eds.), Aussterben: Darstellungen und Diskurse zum Verlust von Vielfalt, Göttingen: Wallstein, c. 2024.
    • Moralische Epochen, in: Barbara Picht, Henning Trüper (eds.), Epochenwenden und Epochenwandel, Göttingen: Wallstein, c. 2024-5.

Other (online, dictioniaries, essays)

  • "Teleological Reasoning in History," in: Bloomsbury History: Theory and Method Digital Resource – Essays on Theory, Method and Historiography (2023), [19 May 2023]: DOI: 10.5040/9781350892880.197.
  • "Seenot im Archipel der Humanitarismen," ZfL Blog, 19 December 2022,
  • "Unter Einsatz des eigenen Lebens," in: leibniz 18: Reisen, 24 August 2022,
  • “Friedrich Nietzsche,” in Bloomsbury History: Theory and Method Digital Resource – Key Thinkers (2021), [24 September 2021]: : DOI: 10.5040/9781350970816.019.
  • "Humanitäre und historische Brüche,” Faltblatt Jahresthema 2020/21 Epochenwenden, ZfL Berlin (Oktober 2020).
  • “Das historische Buch meines Lebens: Paul Ricoeur, Zeit und Erzählung,” NZZ Geschichte 30, Oktober (2020), 114.
  • “Karl Löwith (1897-1973),” in Bloomsbury Encyclopedia of Philosophers (2020).öwith [5 June 2020].
  • “Unsouveränität in der Pandemie,” ZfL-Blog 24 March 2020,, Translated into Italian with a preface: “Le tragiche epidemie della ragione: La mancanza di sovranità nella pandemia,” by Sotera Fornaro, Visioni del Tragico, 19 April 2020.
  • “Günther Uecker, Work of the Dead, and the Contemporaneity of Art,” in: Matthias de Groof, Ashley D. Kerr, eds. Work Work Work Work Work Work, [12 June 2019].