Affective Realism. Contemporary Eastern European Literatures
Since the turn of the millennium, within the field of Eastern European literatures there is talk about a turn towards a reality that strongly rejects the postmodern or constructivist aesthetics of previous decades. Taking this observation as its starting point, this research project investigated the imagined worlds and poetic processes within contemporary Eastern European literatures. “New sincerity” and “new realism,” authenticity and documentation—these are the slogans used by artists of the younger generation to mark the status of their writings. This kind of realism is less focused on giving adequate artistic form to the underlying laws and implicit rules of the external world. It is more interested in finding subjective forms of expression that lead to instantaneous ‘performative’ evidence, produce a physical presence, and enable ‘immersive’ access to one’s own surroundings. The aim is not to achieve a cognitive understanding of the world, but to attain a sensual experience or affect of that world. According to Fredric Jameson, within the context of mainstream culture, this realism of affect is a turn away from coherent explanations of the world and towards a preconscious corporeality that is seized by “global waves of generalised sensory impressions.”
The literary critic Przemysław Czapliński sees an “affective realism” at work specifically within contemporary Polish literature. Czapliński argues that this realism no longer produces “literary texts,” but “cultural rubbish—incoherent languages, fragmented symbols, deeply socially embedded feelings of hate and frustration, forms of contempt, unsatisfiable needs and insatiable desires.” This research project applied a comparative approach to analyse the specific configurations of this “cultural rubbish” consisting of frustration and insatiable desires within Polish literature and beyond. Using a systematic approach and a historical lens, it aimed to assess to what extent the categories of the realistic and the affective are capable of shaping a redetermination of aesthetic practice. From this perspective, the “incoherent languages” and “fragmented symbols” of contemporary lyricism, drama and prose works are regarded not as failure, but as symptomatic attempts to develop innovative means of depicting the often drastic consequences of political turmoil, economic deregulation, and transnational migration.
Digital media and globalised pop cultures have produced cultural practices and imaginary belongings that are fundamentally changing traditional national and religious models of order. This can be read as a new configuration of the relationship between the individual and the collective, the past and the present, the familiar and the foreign, the private and the public, which is more clearly taking symbolic shape in the imagined worlds arising out of artistic works in Eastern Europe than in other regions of the continent.
See also
World Fiction Post/Socialist. Eastern European Literatures and Cultures (Matthias Schwartz, project since 2021)
After Memory
World War II in Contemporary Eastern European Literatures
Sirenen des Krieges
Diskursive und affektive Dimensionen des Ukraine-Konflikts
Matthias Schwartz
- After Memory: Introduction, in: Matthias Schwartz, Nina Weller, Heike Winkel (eds.): After Memory. World War II in Contemporary Eastern European Literatures. Berlin: De Gruyter 2021, 1–20 (with Nina Weller and Heike Winkel)
- Obsessed with the Past: On the Topicality of the Historical Novel in Eastern Europe Today, in: ibd., 429–454
- Einleitung, in: Roman Dubasevych, Matthias Schwartz (eds.): Sirenen des Krieges. Diskursive und affektive Dimensionen des Ukraine-Konflikts. Berlin: Kulturverlag Kadmos 2020, 7–46
- Der “Diener des Volkes.” Wolodymyr Selenskyjs Präsidentschaft in der Ukraine, in: ZfL Blog, 29 May 2020
- Ein Sumpf genannt Wirklichkeit. Patriotismus und Gegenkultur im polnischen Hip-Hop, in: Osteuropa 5 (2019), 141–155
- Im ewigen Replay der Welten. Zu Szczepan Twardochs kontrafaktischen Geschichtsfiktionen “jenseits des Endes der Zeit,” in: Riccardo Nicolosi, Brigitte Obermayr, Nina Weller (eds.): Interventionen in die Zeit. Kontrafaktisches Erzählen und Erinnerungskultur. Paderborn: Ferdinand Schöningh 2019, 89–116
Kultur und Alltag im Ukraine-Konflikt
Zentrum für Osteuropa- und Internationale Studien Berlin, Mohrenstr. 60, 10117 Berlin
History goes Pop? On the Popularization of the Past in Eastern European Cultures
European University Viadrina, Europaplatz 1, 15230 Frankfurt (Oder), Gräfin-Dönhoff-Gebäude, R. 05
Matthias Schwartz: Documentary Devices in Soviet Literature of the Thaw Period and Beyond
San Francisco Marriott Marquis, 780 Mission St, San Francisco, CA 94103 (USA), 4, Pacific H
Matthias Schwartz: »Diener des Volkes«. Kulturgeschichtliche Perspektiven auf postsozialistische Nationalismen und Populismen
Freie Universität Berlin, Osteuropa-Institut, Garystr. 55, 14195 Berlin, Hörsaal 55A
Matthias Schwartz: Eine Welt ist nicht genug. Zum Verhältnis von Wissenschaft und Fiktion
Universität Potsdam, Campus Griebnitzsee, 14482 Potsdam
Matthias Schwartz: Demons and Saints of the Past. On the Popularity of History in Contemporary Literatures
University of Amsterdam, PC Hoofthuis, Spuistraat 134, 1012 VB Amsterdam (NL), Room 104
Matthias Schwartz: Die Orientalisierung des Blicks. Zu den frühen Reportagen von Ryszard Kapuściński und Hanna Krall
Universität Trier, Universitätsring 15D, 54296 Trier
De/Fictionalising the Past. The Role of Literature and Film in Postsocialist Memory Cultures. Part 2: Case Studies
Complutense University Madrid, Moncloa Campus (Spain)
De/Fictionalising the Past. The Role of Literature and Film in Postsocialist Memory Cultures. Part 1: Theoretical reflections
Complutense University Madrid, Moncloa Campus (Spain)
Matthias Schwartz: Télescopage im Populären. Zum Verhältnis von Trauma und Fiktion am Beispiel osteuropäischer Gegenwartsliteratur
Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, Steintor-Campus, Adam-Kuckhoff-Straße 34, 06108 Halle (Saale)
Matthias Schwartz: Mare Desiderii. Sowjetische Mondfantasien und Erkundungsmissionen
Museum für Kommunikation Nürnberg, Lessingstraße 6, 90443 Nürnberg, Konferenzraum 2, 2.Etage
Matthias Schwartz: Making a New Literature. Towards a Cultural History of Soviet Scientific Fictions
Universität St. Petersburg, Universitätsufer (Университетская наб.) 7/9, 199034 St. Petersburg (Russland)
Matthias Schwartz: Das Land der Schurken. Historisierung und Aktualisierung von Oktoberrevolution und Bürgerkrieg in russischer Gegenwartskultur
Universität Passau, Innstraße 41, 94032 Passau
Matthias Schwartz: »History next door«. On the Topicality of the Historical Novel Today
Universität Amsterdam, Spuistraat 134, 1012 VB Amsterdam, PC Hoofthuis, Raum 105
Matthias Schwartz: Kontaktzonen der Moderne. Zu sowjetischen Konzeptualisierungen anti-kolonialer Abenteuerliteratur
Literaturhaus München, Salvatorplatz 1, 80333 München
Matthias Schwartz: Subverting the Human. Late Socialist Dystopian Cinema (Sokurov, Szulkin, Tarkovskii, Żuławski)
University of Amsterdam (UvA), City Center Campus, Oudemanhuispoort 4-6, 1012 CN Amsterdam
Matthias Schwartz: Affektiver Realismus. Gegenwartsliteratur aus Osteuropa
Universität Tübingen, Geschwister-Scholl-Platz, 72074 Tübingen
Inventing a national trauma. Fictional and cinematic memory discourses as allegories of a contested present
Bella Center, Center Blvd. 5, 2300 København S (DK)
After Memory. Rethinking Representations of World War II in Contemporary Eastern European Literatures
Chicago Marriott Downtown Magnificent Mile Hotel, 540 N Michigan Ave, Chicago, IL 60611 (USA)
Affective Memories. Ukrainian Culture after Euromaidan
University of Amsterdam, Spui 21, 1012 WX Amsterdam (NL)
Poesis – Polis – Praxis. Positioning lyrical contemporaneity
Haus für Poesie, Kulturbrauerei, Knaackstraße 97, 10435 Berlin
Media Response
Review by Lena Magnone, in: Zeitschrift für Ostmitteleuropa-Forschung 73.3 (2024), 504–506
Review by Dobrota Pucherová, in: World Literature Studies 15.1 (2023), 114–116
Feature by Dietrich Brants, in: SWR2, program Zeitgenossen
Conference review by Tom Koltermann / Nikolai Okunew, in: H-Soz-Kult, 22 Apr 2020