Zeitschrift für Ideengeschichte
Heft XVIII/2, Sommer 2024
[Journal for the History of Ideas, Issue XVIII/2, Summer 2024]

Eastern Underground, ed. by Hana Gründler and Jörg Völlnagel
C.H. Beck, München 2024, 128 pages
ISBN 978-3-406-81577-5

The summer issue of ZIG is dedicated to the “Eastern Underground.” Contrary to the West, where the “subversive” gesture of the “underground” was soon absorbed by the art market, the alternative scene in Eastern Europe operated between the poles of state infiltration and intellectual fantasies of purity, surveillance and rebellion. With the revolutions around 1990, many a hero of a “counterculture” suddenly found themselvesin what was considered the political establishment. The summer issue recounts a wild chapter in the history of ideas in Eastern Europe—without resorting to the buzzwords “resistance” or “subversion,” which have long since entered the populist discourse in the authoritarian-ruled, socialist successor states. In today’s “culture wars,” the battle for the legacy of the “Eastern Underground” has heated up anew.


Table of contents

Eastern Underground

  • Wieckhorst, Spiegelungen verletzbarer Räume
    Isotta Poggi
  • Leipzig 1984, Herbstsalon
    Matteo Bertelé
  • Staatssicherheitsperformance [PDF]
    Katalin Krasznahorkai
  • Nichtstun in der ČSSR
    Hana Gründler
  • Lob des Nichtstuns
    Karel Čapek
  • Die neuen Graswurzelavantgarden
    Jörg Scheller
  • Der flüchtige Körper der Blockfreiheit
    Jelena Petrović


  • Wie die Postmoderne den Sozialismus besiegte
    Julia Kissina


  • Prager Hochzeit
    Jörg Vollnagel


  • Arbeit am polnischen Underground-Mythos
    Magdalena Nieslony

Konzept & Kritik

  • Auf der Suche nach der Szene vom Prenzlauer Berg
    Hanno Hochmuth
  • Andrei Pleşu und die Komik der Realität
    Wolf Lepenies
  • Dilema
    Andrei Pleşu
  • Ein polnisches »Phänomen« am preußischen Hof
    Agnieszka Pufelska
  • Franz Beckenbauer und das Schweigen des Künstlers
    Horst Bredekamp


The current editorial board of Zeitschrift für Ideengeschichte (Journal for the History of Ideas) includes Peter Burschel (Herzog August Bibliothek Wolfenbüttel), Ulrike Lorenz (Klassik Stiftung Weimar), Hermann Parzinger (Prussian Cultural Heritage Foundation), Sandra Richter (DLA – German Literature Archive in Marbach), Barbara Stollberg-Rilinger (Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin), Gerhard Wolf (Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz – Max-Planck-Institut). Stephan Schlak is the managing editor.