ZfL INFO 58/2020: Neuerscheinung: Beiträge zur kulturwissenschaftlichen Zeitschriftenforschung. Themenschwerpunkt IASL 2/2020
betreut von Moritz Neuffer, Anke Jaspers und Barbara Picht
So allgegenwärtig Zeitschriften in der Geschichte der Ideen, der Künste und der Wissenschaften sind, so erklärungs- und theoriebedürftig sind ihre Funktionen, Darstellungsweisen und Adressierungsleistungen. Gerade im Zeitalter der digitalen Lektüre, in dem sich Verhältnisse zwischen Medien, Leserschaften und Öffentlichkeiten massiv verändern, lohnt es sich, die kulturhistorische Rolle des Publizierens in Zeitschriften zu reflektieren. Das Internationale Archiv für Sozialgeschichte der deutschen Literatur (IASL) veröffentlicht im zweiten Teil des Themenschwerpunkts weitere Beiträge aus dem Arbeitskreis Kulturwissenschaftliche Zeitschriftenforschung, der 2017 am ZfL mitgegründet wurde. Fallbeispiele aus unterschiedlichen historischen Kontexten werden darin mit Blick auf geteilte methodische Problemstellungen einer kulturwissenschaftlich orientierten Zeitschriftenforschung diskutiert.
Anke Jaspers, Moritz Neuffer und Barbara Picht: Editorial | 413–416
Moritz Neuffer: Modell Zeitschrift | 417–438
In journals, the reception and production of knowledge coincide. Using the example of French structuralism and its reception in the Federal Republic of Germany around 1966, the article shows that magazines did not simply depict or discuss theoretical “models” and “movements,” but actively formed them. Journalistic forms such as the editorial and the interview, and also text collages typical of magazines played an important role in this process. The specific materiality, publicity, and periodicity of journals thus became decisive factors in theoretical developments and intellectual upheavals.
Michaela Nowotnick: Der literarische Anschluss Siebenbürgens – Heinrich Zillich und Das Innere Reich (1934–1944): Eine Fallstudie | 439–455
In the journal Das Innere Reich, published from 1934 to 1944 by the Langen-Müller publishing house in Munich, there is an astonishing density of articles relating to Transylvania. The south-eastern border region of the former Habsburg Monarchy is the subject of publications of essayistic contributions and texts by authors from the region, with Heinrich Zillich in particular playing a central role. The integration of Transylvania followed two basic lines: On the one hand, a group of people who had been living outside the inner-German language area for centuries was established as an integral part of the ʻGerman ethnic group.ʼ On the other hand, Transylvania, which has always been inhabited by different ethnic groups, was presented as a model of a clearly hierarchical region in the sense of the national ideology.
This paper deals with Moritz Lazarus and Heymann Steinthal’s 19th century journal Zeitschrift für Völkerpsychologie und Sprachwissenschaft and its media-historical context. I will argue that the medial form of the journal enabled Völkerpsychologie’s founders to put their theory and methodology into practice by creating a forum for interdisciplinary collaboration and unification of the humanities as psychology and thus achieving their goal of a ʻcritique of historical reason,ʼ i.e., revealing the historical nature of reason, ethics, and culture in general.
Petra Sertic: Who Was Mrs. Benway? | 471–488
From 1985 to 1991, the artist Jutta Koether contributed a column titled Mrs. Benway to the pop cultural magazine Spex, for which she developed a form of art criticism that would appeal to a mostly music interested readership. In the process, Koether advanced a form of critique as a practice with the ability to actively determine the conditions for one’s own life, connecting to contemporaneous evaluations of models of critique for their ability to initiate change. Spex not only provided a platform for evaluation and judgment, but functioned as a launch pad where the habit of responding and taking position to current events was routinely exercised in step with the magazine’s monthly publication rhythm and Cologne’s dynamic art calendar.