Rewriting political concepts
Workshop in cooperation with the Lexicon Project of the Minerva Humanities Center at Tel Aviv University (Lexicon for Political Theory)
At this workshop concepts will be discussed which are relevant in discourses both political and interdisciplinary. Against the backdrop of current conflicts, particularly within the Middle East, with respect to the distribution of power (i.e. between pressure by the economic market, mechanisms of the state, the constrictions of political theology and religious politics, etc.), the lexicon in the making (published online in both English and Hebrew by the Lexicon Project of the Minerva Humanities Center at Tel Aviv University) seeks to investigate both the semantics and the boundaries of the political, giving particular attention to imports from other disciplines and everyday language. The critical interpretation of seemingly given concepts of political thought and the attempt at their redefinition employs a central analytic question: What is x? This approach overlaps with that of the Interdisziplinäre Begriffsgeschichte project, which also takes current epistemological constellations as its starting point from which it historically investigates the semantic boundaries and interdisciplinary transfers applying to any reasoning or discourse.
We expect the workshop will have synergetic effects for both projects. The participants from Tel Aviv will present theories and essays on the concepts common sense, animal, suffering, testimony/witnessing, university, which will then be commented on and discussed from a conceptual history perspective by the ZfL participants.
Thursday, 8 Dec 2011
Ernst Müller/Adi Ophir: Welcome. Introduction of participants and both projects
Moderation: Falko Schmieder
Smadar Bustan (Luxemburg)/Martin Treml (ZfL): Suffering
Moderation: Benjamin Bühler
Anat Matar (Tel Aviv)/Herbert Kopp-Oberstebrink (ZfL): University
Michal Givoni (Beer Sheva)/Falko Schmieder (ZfL): Ethical Witnessing
Friday, 9 Dec 2011
Moderation: Martin Treml
Adi Ophir (Tel Aviv)/Ernst Müller (ZfL): Concept
Itay Snir (Tel Aviv)/Moritz Mutter (ZfL): Common sense
Moderation: Adi Ophir
Yoav Kenny (Tel Aviv)/Benjamin Bühler (ZfL): Animal
15.45 Final discussion