Bücher im Gespräch
For “Bücher im Gespräch” [Books in Conversation], a bimonthly podcast hosted by the ZfL, researchers talk about their new publications.
List of episodes
- Episode 22: Politik der Wahrnehmung
with Oliver Precht and Falko Schmieder - Episode 21: Begriffsgeschichte des 20. Jahrhunderts
with Falko Schmieder and Georg Toepfer - Episode 20: Schwarzes Europa, literaturwissenschaftlich
with Sandra Folie and Gianna Zocco - Episode 19: Dokumentarische Ästhetiken
with Matthias Schwartz and Clemens Günther - Episode 18: Stellvertretung
with Katrin Trüstedt and Oliver Precht - Episode 17: Postdigitale Literatur
with Hanna Hamel and Eva Stubenrauch - Episode 16: Nach der Einnerung
with Heike Winkel and Matthias Schwartz - Episode 15: Europäische Denker im Kalten Krieg
with Barbara Picht and Moritz Neuffer - Episode 14: Stil
with Pola Groß and Claude Haas - Episode 13: Stimme, Klang, Musik
with Frauke Fitzner and Denise Reimann - Episode 12: Warlam Schalamow – Biographie und Poetik
with Franziska Thun-Hohenstein and Stefan Willer - Episode 11: Unsterblichkeit
with Tatjana Petzer and Martin Treml - Episode 10: Politische Ökologie
with Leander Scholz and Falko Schmieder - Episode 9: Formfragen
with Rabea Kleymann and Eva Geulen - Episode 8: Adorno und das Glück
with Pola Groß and Falko Schmieder - Episode 7: Kulturwissenschaftliche Zeitschriftenforschung
with Moritz Neuffer and Barbara Picht - Episode 6: Übergänglichkeit der Natur
with Hanna Hamel and Oliver Grill - Episode 5: Chor
with Sebastian Kirsch and Maria Kuberg - Episode 4: Selbstübersetzung
with Karine Winkelvoss and Stefan Willer - Episode 3: Seuchenjahr
with Henning Trüper and Christoph Paret - Episode 2: Klassiker des russischen und sowjetischen Films
with Barbara Wurm and Matthias Schwartz - Episode 1: Hegels Logik
with Patrick Eiden-Offe and Falko Schmieder
For our twentysecond episode, Oliver Precht talks to Katrin Trüstedt about his book Der rote Faden. Maurice Merleau-Ponty und die Politik der Wahrnehmung [The Red Thread. Maurice Merleau-Ponty and the Politics of Perception] (August Verlag 2023).
10 Sep 2024, duration: 00:33:06
For more information, check out the show notes!
For our twenty-first episode, Falko Schmieder and Georg Toepfer talked about the dictionary Das 20. Jahrhundert in Grundbegriffen [The 20th Century in Basic Concepts] (2024).
10 Jul 2024, duration: 00:42:20
For more information, check out the show notes!
For our twentieth episode, Gianna Zocco and Sandra Folie talked about their special issue Sketches of Black Europe in African and African Diasporic Narratives (2024).
22 May 2024, duration: 00:41:37
For more information, check out the show notes!
For our nineteenth episode, Matthias Schwartz and Clemens Günther talked about their edited volume Documentary Aesthetics in the Long 1960s in Eastern Europe and Beyond (Brill 2024).
20 Mar 2024, duration: 00:36:16
For more information, check out the show notes!
For our eighteenth episode, Katrin Trüstedt talks to Oliver Precht about her book Stellvertretung. Zur Szene der Person [By Proxy. Agency, Representation, and the Scene of the Person] (Konstanz University Press 2022).
30 Nov 2023, duration: 00:45:22
For more information, check out the show notes!
For our seventeenth episode, Hanna Hamel and Eva Stubenrauch talked about their edited volume Wie postdigital schreiben? Neue Verfahren der Gegenwartsliteratur [How to Write Postdigitally? New Techniques in Contemporary Literature] (transcript 2023).
20 Sep 2023, duration: 00:40:41
For more information, check out the show notes!
For our sixteenth episode, Heike Winkel and Matthias Schwartz talked about their edited volume After Memory. World War II in Contemporary Eastern European Literatures (de Gruyter 2021).
27 Jul 2023, duration: 00:54:26
For more information, check out the show notes!
For our fifteenth episode, Barbara Picht talks to Moritz Neuffer about her book Die “Interpreten Europas” und der Kalte Krieg [The “Interpreters of Europe” and the Cold War] (Wallstein 2022).
16 May 2023, duration: 00:56:15
For more information, check out the show notes!
For our fourteenth episode, Pola Groß and Claude Haas talk about their co-edited volumes Neue Nachbarschaften: Stil und Social Media in der Gegenwartsliteratur [New Neighborhoods: Style and Social Media in Contemporary Literature] and Der Stil der Literaturwissenschaft [The Style of Literary Studies].
27 Mar 2023, duration: 00:38:39
For more information, check out the show notes!
For our thirteenth episode, Frauke Fitzner and Denise Reimann talk about their books Der hörende Mensch in der Moderne [The Listener in Modernity] (Wallstein 2021) and Auftakte der Bioakustik [The Beginnings of Bioacoustics] (de Gruyter 2022).
26 Jan 2023, duration: 01:01:47
For more information, check out the show notes!
For our eleventh episode, Tatjana Petzer talks to Martin Treml about her edited volume Unsterblichkeit. Slawische Variationen [Immortality. Slavic Variations] (Matthes & Seitz 2021).
18 Oct 2022, duration: 00:49:10
For more information, check out the show notes!
For our tenth episode, Leander Scholz talks to Falko Schmieder about his book Die Regierung der Natur. Ökologie und politische Ordnung [The Government of Nature. Ecology and Political Order] (August Verlag 2022).
27 Jul 2022, duration: 00:52:40
For more information, check out the show notes!
For our ninth episode, Rabea Kleymann and Eva Geulen talk about their books Formlose Form [Formless Form] (Wilhelm Fink 2021), Aus dem Leben der Form [On the Life of Form] (Wallstein 2021), and Formen des Ganzen [Forms of the Whole] (Wallstein 2022).
17 May 2022, duration: 01:01:35
For more information, check out the show notes!
For our eighth episode, Pola Groß talks to Falko Schmieder about her book Adornos Lächeln Das “Glück am Ästhetischen” in seinen literatur- und kulturtheoretischen Essays [Adorno's Smile. The “Joy of Aesthetics” in his Essays on Literary and Cultural Theory] (De Gruyter 2020).
16 Mar 2022, duration: 00:56:08
For more information, check out the show notes!
For our seventh episode, Moritz Neuffer talks to Barbara Picht about his book Die journalistische Form der Theorie. Die Zeitschrift ›alternative‹ 1958–1982 [Journalistic Forms of Theory. The journal “alternative” 1958–1982] (Wallstein 2021).
12 Jan 2022, duration: 01:03:31
For more information, check out the show notes!
For our sixth episode, Hanna Hamel talked to Oliver Grill about her book Übergängliche Natur. Kant, Herder, Goethe und die Gegenwart des Klimas [Transient Nature. Kant, Herder, Goethe, and the Presence of Climate] (August Verlag 2021).
12 Nov 2021, duration: 00:59:46
For more information, check out the show notes!
For our fifth episode, Sebastian Kirsch and Maria Kuberg talked about their books Chor-Denken [Choir thinking] (Fink 2020) and Chor und Theorie [Chorus and Theory] (Konstanz University Press 2021).
21 Oct 2021, duration: 01:08:10
For more information, check out the show notes!
For our fourth episode, Karine Winkelvoss and Stefan Willer talked about their books W. G. Sebald, l’économie du pathos (Paris: Classiques Garnier 2021) and Selbstübersetzung als Wissenstransfer [Self-Translation as Transfer of Knowledge] (Kulturverlag Kadmos 2020).
18 Aug 2021, duration: 00:51:40
For more information, check out the show notes!
For our third episode, Henning Trüper talked to Christoph Paret about his book Seuchenjahr [Pandemic Year] (August Verlag 2021).
27 Jun 2021, duration: 00:49:51
For more information, check out the show notes!
For our second episode, Barbara Wurm talked to Matthias Schwartz about their edited volume Klassiker des russischen und sowjetischen Films, Bd. 2 [Classics of Russian and Soviet Cinema, vol. 2] (Schüren 2020).
19 Apr 2021, duration: 00:53:30
For more information, check out the show notes!
For our first episode, Patrick Eiden-Offe talked to Falko Schmieder about his book Hegels ‘Logik’ lesen. Ein Selbstversuch [Reading Hegels ‘Logic.’ A Self-Experiment] (Matthes & Seitz 2020).
5 Mar 2021, duration: 01:02:00
For more information, check out the show notes!
Fig. above: © Dirk Naguschewski