Former researchers
Lena Abraham, literary scholar, 2017–2021 ZfL doctoral fellow with the project Living Houses. ‘Post-fantastic’ variations on a literary topos in Cortázar, Vian, Aichinger and Ballard
Tim Albrecht, germanist/comparatist, 2015–2016 research associate for the project Figurations of the Barbaric in the 18th Century. A Genealogy of the Concept of Culture in International Law, the Philosophy of History, and Literature
Yael Almog, literary scholar, 2014–2016 research associate for the project Cultures of Text and Religion
David Anderson, literary and cultural scholar, 2022 research fellow with the project Representations of History in British and German Popular Culture Since the 1980s
Susan Arndt, anglicist/africanist, 2003–2006 research associate for the project Afrika – Europa. Transporte, Übersetzungen, Migrationen des Literarischen
Janis Augsburger, cultural theorist, 2006–2010 research associate for the project Topographie pluraler Kulturen Europas in Rücksicht auf die ‘Verschiebung Europas nach Osten’
Jana August, art/image historian, 2014–2017 research associate for the project Practices of Knowledge. Images in the History of Experimental and Applied Life Sciences, 2011–2013 ZfL doctoral fellow with the project “A Torpedo Moving through Time”. Diagrammpraktik und Sammlungspolitik des Museum of Modern Art New York
Nadav Avruch, literary scholar, 2016–2017 Minerva Stiftung research fellow at the ZfL with the project Thinking (the) Underground
Hannes Bajohr, philosopher/literary scholar, 2017–2019 research associate with the project Negative Anthropology. History and Potential of a Discursive Formation
Karlheinz Barck †, romance philologist, until 2012 research associate at the ZfL, 2008–2012 academic advisor to the project The Theory and Concept of an Interdisciplinary Conceptual History, 2001–2005 head of the project LEONARDO-Effekte. Exemplarische Konstellationen aus der Trennungsgeschichte von Natur- und Geisteswissenschaften: 1800 – 1900 – 2000, 1992–2005 head of the project Ästhetische Grundbegriffe
Johannes Becker, germanist/americanist, 2014–2017 doctoral researcher for the project Security and the Future. A Cultural Studies Approach
Rainer Becker, philosopher, 2009–2010 research associate for the project Übertragungswissen – Wissensübertragungen. Zur Geschichte und Aktualität des Transfers zwischen Lebens- und Geisteswissenschaften (1930/1970/2010)
Gunhild Berg, literary scholar, 2007–2008 research associate for the project Figuren des Wissens. Begriffsgeschichte nach dem cultural turn
Esma Berikishvili, sociologist/anthropologist, 2016–2018 doctoral researcher for the project Batumi, Odessa, Trabzon. The Cultural Semantics of the Black Sea from the Perspective of Eastern Port Cities (in Tbilisi)
Sabine Berthold, germanist, 2005–2007 research associate for the project Figurations of the Martyr in Near Eastern and European Literature
Siarhei Biareishyk, literary scholar, 2017–2019 research associate for the project Forms and Functions of Relations to the World
Christine Blättler, philosopher, 2006 head of the project Series: Investigating an epistemic pattern, 1992–2005 research associate for the project Ästhetische Grundbegriffe
Petra Boden, germanist, 2006–2007 head of the project Popularisierung literaturgeschichtlichen Wissens 1850–1930, 2001–2005 head of the project Zum Wissenschaftsverständnis der Literaturwissenschaften in Deutschland in ihrem Bezug zu natur-, sozial-, technik-, und kulturwissenschaftlichen Disziplinen 1890–2000, 1996–2001 research associate for the project Geschichte der deutschen Literaturwissenschaft seit 1945 – Veränderungen des Literaturbegriffs
Cornelius Borck, historian of medicine and science, 2012–2016 external head in the research network Cultures of Madness (Uni Lübeck)
Insa Braun, literary scholar, 2016–2019 doctoral researcher, Elsa-Neumann Fellow of the State of Berlin with the project Speaking/Speeches About
Kai Bremer, germanist, 2005–2007 research associate for the project (Dis-)Figuration der Schrift. Bibelphilologie und Literaturwissenschaft
Charlotte Bretschneider, philosopher, 2017–2019 research associate for the project Life Lessons and the Art of Life. Translating Life into Philosophy and the Arts
Pearl S. Brilmyer, literary scholar, 2020–2021 Alexander von Humboldt Foundation research fellow with the project The Science of Character. Human Objecthood and the Ends of Victorian Realism
Sophia Buck, literary scholar/philosopher, 2021–2022 Oxford Doctoral Fellow with the project Moscow – Berlin – Paris: Walter Benjamin’s “Neue Optik”
Benjamin Bühler, literary scholar, Heisenberg fellow, 2014–2017 head of the project Security and the Future. A Cultural Studies Approach, 2010–2013 head of the project Prognostics and Literature
Oksana Bulgakowa, film scholar, 2005–2007 research associate for the project Der Umbau hinter der Restauration. Eine Medienarchäologie der Nachkriegszeit
Stefanie Burkhardt, religious studies scholar/germanist, 2014–2016 ZfL doctoral fellow with the project Narrating Religion. A Meta-Theoretical Reinterpretation of Mircea Eliade’s Religious Studies and Literary Complete Works
Francesco Campana, literary scholar/philospher, 2017–2018 DAAD research fellow at the ZfL with the project Paradigms of the Arts in 19th-century German Aesthetics
Jonathon Catlin, historian, 2019–2020 Ph.D. Candidate, Department of History & Interdisciplinary Doctoral Program in the Humanities (IHUM), Princeton University and Research Award, German-American Fulbright Commission with the project Catastrophe in Twentieth-Century European Thought. A Critical Conceptual History
Felix Christen, germanist, 2015–2016 Alexander von Humboldt Foundation research fellow at the ZfL with the project Incomprehensibility. Investigating Obscuritas in Ancient Rhetoric and Modern Literature and Philosophy (1870–1970)
Maria Teresa Costa, philosopher/cultural theorist, 2011 research associate
Seumas Coutts, 2007–2008 research associate for the project “Expressions: Darwin and the arts”
Sebastian Cwiklinski, turkologist/historian, 2014–2016 research associate for the project Cultural Semantics of the Black Sea Region
Matthias Däumer, theatre scholar, 2012–2013 research associate for the project Testimony/Bearing Witness. A Controversial Concept. An Examination of the Interchange between the Systematic and Cultural Research Perspectives
Sasha Dehghani, islamic/religious studies scholar, 2005–2012 research associate for the project Figurations of the Martyr in Near Eastern and European Literature
David I. Delano, historian, 2017–2018 Social Science Research Council International Dissertation Fellow at the ZfL with the project The Animal Between Crisis and Catastrophe. Extremities of German Thought (1918–1949)
Peter Deuflhard, mathematician, 2013–2017 external head of the project Epistemic Reverse Side of Instrumental Images (Konrad-Zuse-Institut and FU Berlin)
Georg Dickmann, Philosopher/literary scholar, 2020–2021 research associate in the project Style. Past and Present
Bernhard Dotzler, media theorist, 2000–2004 academic director
Stephanie Eichberg, historian of medicine and science, 2015–2018 research associate for the project Neuro-Psychoanalysis and Pain. Neuroscience between the Natural and Cultural Sciences
Rosa Eidelpes, literary scholar, 2011–2013 ZfL doctoral fellow with the project Entgrenzung der Mimesis. Ethnologie und Primitivismus im Collège de Sociologie und in den Ästhetiken und Poetiken von Georges Bataille, Roger Caillois und Michel Leiris
Christina Ernst, romanist, 2019–2024 doctoral fellow and research associate in the project Neighborhood in Contemporary Berlin Literature
Stefanie Ertz, philosopher, 2008–2010 research associate for the project Sacramental Representation
Andrea Erwig, literary scholar, 2017–2019 research associate for the project The Formation of Theory and the Critique of ‘Wissenschaft’ in the Early Twentieth Century
Bertolt Fessen, philosopher, 1997–2006 research associate for the project Ästhetische Grundbegriffe. Historisches Wörterbuch in sieben Bänden
Justus Fetscher, literary scholar/comparatist, 2005–2008 research associate for the project Der Umbau hinter der Restauration. Eine Medienarchäologie der Nachkriegszeit, 2003–2005 research associate for the project Archäologie der Moderne. Eine neue Sinneskultur im frühen 20. Jahrhundert, 1995 and 1999 research associate at the research area “Literature Studies”
Annalisa Fischer, comparatist, 2019 research associate with the project The afterlife of the muse. Balzac, Henry James, Fontane
Clara Fischer, germanist, 2017–2019 ZfL doctoral fellow with the project Epic Poetry as Field of Experimentation (1918–1933), 2015–2017 student assistant to the direction
Frauke Fitzner, literary scholar/musicologist, 2011–2013 ZfL doctoral fellow with the project Der hörende Mensch in der Moderne. Medialisierung und Anthropologisierung in Konzeptionen von Musik um 1900
Sabine Flach, art scholar, 2008–2010 head of the project Emotion and Motion, 2001–2005 head of the project Wissenskünste. Die Kunst zu wissen und das Wissen der Kunst
Anna Förster, literary scholar, 2022 ZfL research fellow with the project Theory in Translation. French Theory in East Central Europe since 1945
Hilmar Frank, art scholar, 2001–2005 research associate for the project Interdiskursive Revisionen des ästhetischen Wissens im Licht des Verhältnisses von Geistes- und Naturwissenschaften: Fokus 19. Jahrhundert, 1998–2001 head of the project “Aussichten ins Unermeßliche. Perspektivität und ästhetische Idee bei Caspar David Friedrich und Jean Paul”
Thomas Frank, mediaevalist, 2000–2005 research associate for the project Poetologie der Körperschaften
Michael Franz, philosopher/semiotician, 2000–2003 head of the project Antike-Rezeption im letzten Drittel des 20. Jahrhunderts. Literarische Modelle, archäologische Dimensionen, kulturwissenschaftliche Perspektiven, 1998–2000 head of the project “Semiotik der Künste”, 1996–1998 head of the project “Semiotisches Jahrhundert. Ansätze zu einer vergleichenden Zeichentheorie der Künste des 18. Jahrhunderts”
Alexander Friedrich, philosopher, 2022–2024 research team member in the key project The 20th Century in Basic Concepts. A Dictionary of Historical Semantics in Germany
Lars Friedrich, germanist/philosopher, 2021 ZfL research fellow in the Program Area Knowledge of Life
Luciano Gatti, philosopher, 2016–2019 Alexander von Humboldt Foundation research fellow at the ZfL with the project Samuel Beckett's Television Plays. Means of Production, Literary Genres, Critical Theory
Maren Gehl, 2002–2005 research associate for the project Ästhetische Grundbegriffe
Jakob Gehlen, germanist/latinist, 2017–2019 ZfL doctoral fellow with the project World in Weimar. Goethe's »Römische Elegien« and the Augustan Poetry
Giorgi Ghvinjilia, 2016–2018 doctoral researcher for the project Batumi, Odessa, Trabzon. The Cultural Semantics of the Black Sea from the Perspective of Eastern Port Cities (in Tbilisi)
Idan Gillo, literary scholar, 2019–2020 Minerva Stiftung fellow at the ZfL with the project The German-Jewish Paul
Eckart Goebel, literary scholar, 2003–2005 research associate for the project Charis und Charisma. Zur Idolatrie des ‘puer aeternus’, einem leitenden Motiv in der Literatur der zwanziger und dreißiger Jahre des 20. Jahrhunderts, 2000–2002 research associate for the project Der engagierte Solitär. Untersuchungen zur Theorie und Existenz des autonomen Schriftstellers und der für ihn entworfenen literarischen Ästhetik
Novina Göhlsdorf, cultural theorist, 2019 doctoral researcher with the project ›Total Strangers‹? The Figure of the Autistic in Science and Literature, 2014–2015 research associate for the research collaborative Cultures of Madness. Liminal Phenomena of the Urban Modern Era (1870–1930)
Sophia Gräfe, cultural and media scholar, 2018–2019 doctoral researcher with the project Behavioral Knowledge. Scenes of writing and observing behaviour at the Zoological Institute of the Humboldt University in Berlin (1948–1968)
Lutz Greisiger, religious studies scholar, 2017–2019 research associate for the project Forms and Functions of Relations to the World
Birgit Griesecke, japanologist/philosopher, 2014–2016 research associate for the project Bioethics. A Cultural Theory Approach, 2011–2015 research associate for the project Skull Base Knowledge. Cultural Implications of Cranial Plastic Surgery, 2009–2013 research associate for the project Transfer-Knowledge – Knowledge-Transfer. On the History and Contemporary Relevance of Transfers between the Life Sciences and Humanities (1930/1970/2010)
Renata Guerra, philosopher, 2024 CAPES Foundation Research Fellow with the project The Meaning of Dialectics in Ruy Fausto
Marie Guthmüller, romance philologist, 2001–2003 research associate for the project Interdiskursive Revisionen des ästhetischen Wissens im Licht des Verhältnisses von Geistes- und Naturwissenschaften: Fokus 19. Jahrhundert
Ernst-Johannes Haberl, neurosurgeon, 2011–2014 external head of the project Skull Base Knowledge. Cultural Implications of Cranial Plastic Surgery (Charité Berlin)
Christian Haß, latinist, 2019 research associate with the project Genealogies of philological figures of thought. Divination and organological comprehension of texts
Alexandra Heimes, literary scholar, 2021–2024 research team member in the project Archipelagic Imperatives. Shipwreck and Lifesaving in European Societies since 1800, 2017–2019 researcher with the project Interferences of technicity, literary form and theory since the 1950s, 2015–2017 research team member in the project Time and Form in Motion. Goethe’s Morphology and Its Afterlife in 20th-Century Theory
Ulrike Heinrich, 2000–2004 research associate, 2002 research associate in the research area I: “Schauplätze und Figuren einer europäischen Kulturgeschichte”, 2000 research associate for the projects Europa. Aufschreibesysteme aus Codes, Medien und Künsten und Poetologie der Körperschaften
David Hereza Modrego, philosopher, 2023 Margarita Salas fellow with the project The Meaning of Humanities in Modern Society. A Study of J. Ritter’s Compensation Theory
Gal Hertz, cultural scientist/sociologist, 2015–2018 Minerva Stiftung fellow with the project Hebrew Literature as Modern Literature. Jewish Writers as Critics of Enlightenment
Marion Herz, comparatist/cultural theorist, 2010–2013 research associate for the project Transfer-Knowledge – Knowledge-Transfer. On the History and Contemporary Relevance of Transfers between the Life Sciences and Humanities (1930/1970/2010)
Michael Heß, turkologist, 2005–2008 research associate for the project Figurations of the Martyr in Near Eastern and European Literature
Volker Hess, philosopher/medicine, 2011–2012 external head of the project Skull Base Knowledge. Cultural Implications of Cranial Plastic Surgery (Charité Berlin)
Patrick Hohlweck, germanist, 2017–2019 research associate for the project Life Lessons and the Art of Life. Translating Life into Philosophy and the Arts
Gerhard Hommer, literary scholar, 2019 research associate for the project The Formation of Theory and the Critique of 'Wissenschaft' in the Early Twentieth Century
Silvia Horsch, arabist/germanist, 2005–2008 research associate for the project Figurations of the Martyr in Near Eastern and European Literature
Almut Hüfler, germanist, 2009–2011 research associate for the project Susan Taubes Edition
Stefan Ihrig, historian, 2011–2012 ZfL doctoral fellow with the project Atatürk's New Turkey
Anar Imanov, slavist, 2010–2012 research associate for the project Synergy. A History of Knowledge
Miranda Jakiša, slavist, 2006–2010 research associate for the project Topography of the Plural Cultures of Europe, Regarding the ‘Shift of Europe to the East’
Emzar Jgerenaia, sociologist, 2012–2015 research associate for the cooperation project The Cultural Semantics of Georgia between the Caucasus and the Black Sea (in Tbilisi)
Japhet Johnstone, germanist, 2014–2016 academic editor
Aurélia Kalisky, literary scholar, 2017–2021 head of the DFG project Early Modes of Writing the Shoah. Practices of Knowledge and Textual Practices of Jewish Survivors in Europe (1942–1965), 2012–2016 research associate for the project Testimony/Bearing Witness – a Controversial Concept. Examining the Interchange between the Systematic and Cultural Research Perspectives
Elene Kekelia, culutal scientist, 2012–2015 research associate for the cooperation project The Cultural Semantics of Georgia between the Caucasus and the Black Sea (in Tbilisi)
Andreas Keller, germanist, 2014–2016 research associate for the project Translations in the Transfer of Knowledge
Tom Kellner, literary scholar/cultural scientist, 2019 research associate with the project Contemporary Israeli Prose in German: National Literature or World Literature?
Martina Kempter, germanist, 1996–2005 research associate for the project Ästhetische Grundbegriffe
Hildegard Kernmayer, literary scholar/cultural theorist, 2008–2010 Marie-Curie fellow with the project Literatur und Wahrnehmung. Zur ästhetischen Phänomenologie der Moderne
Sandrina Khaled-Lustig, media theorist, 2000–2002 research associate for the project EUROPA. Aufschreibesysteme aus Codes, Medien und Künsten (15.–18.Jh.)
Esther Kilchmann, germanist, 2007–2010 research associate for the project Topography of the Plural Cultures of Europe, Regarding the ‘Shift of Europe to the East’
Christine Kirchhoff, psychologist, 2008–2010 research associate for the project Freud and the Sciences. circa 1900 and circa 2000
Wolfgang Stephan Kissel, slavist/cultural scholar, 2001–2004 external head of the DFG project Russische Erinnerungsliteratur und die Zivilisationsbrüche des 20. Jahrhunderts, 1997–2000 research associate for the project “Der auktoriale Diskurs in vergleichender Sicht”
Irina Kissin, slavist, 2020–2023 research associate with the subproject Historical Narratives in Soviet Yiddish Literature
Friedrich Kittler †, media theorist, 2000–2001 head of the project Europa. Aufschreibesysteme aus Codes, Medien und Künsten (15.–18. Jh.)
Tobias Robert Klein, musicologist/africanist, 2012–2013 research associate with the project Alternative Moderne. “Afrika” in der Kompositionskultur des 20. Jahrhunderts, 2008–2010 research associate for the project Expressive Gestures between Evolutionary Theory and Cultural History
Wolfgang Klein, romance philologist, 1996–1998 head of the project Interdiskursive Revisionen des ästhetischen Wissens im Licht des Verhältnisses von Geistes- und Naturwissenschaften: Fokus 19. Jahrhundert
Rabea Kleymann, literary scholar, 2020–2023 research associate with the project Diffractive Epistemics: Cultures of Knowledge in the Digital Humanities
Dieter Kliche †, literary scholar, 2003–2005 head of the project Lichtenbergsche Figuren. Physik und Ästhetik, 1992–2005 research associate for the project Ästhetische Grundbegriffe
Sophia Könemann, germanist/philosopher, 2012–2016 research associate for the project “Dokumente des Wahns. Fabulieren und Querulieren in Literatur und Psychiatrie” in the research network Cultures of Madness
Kader Konuk, literary scholar, 2006–2009 external head of the sub-project “Istanbul. Vom osmanischen Imperium zur türkischen Nation. Probleme der Europäisierung und Modernisierung” in the project Topography of the Plural Cultures of Europe, Regarding the ‘Shift of Europe to the East’
Herbert Kopp-Oberstebrink, historian of philosophy/literary scholar, 2014–2018 research associate for the project Jacob Taubes in Context. Philosophy of Religion in Germany after 1945, 2008–2013 research associate for the project Correspondence of Jacob Taubes
Uta Kornmeier, art historian, 2016–2020 head of the project Intimate Images. The History of Radiography in the History of Art, 2011–2015 academic coordination of the project Skull Base Knowledge. Cultural Implications of Cranial Plastic Surgery and head of the subproject Visualizations: Cranial Images in Art, Medicine and Statistics, 2008–2011 Research assistant to the direction
Mona Körte, germanist/comparatist, 2015–2018 head of the research area World Literature, 2015–2018 head of the project The Faces of Hell: Torsion and Disfiguration in Dante’s “Divina Commedia” and Selected Pictorial Genres, 2011–2013 research associate for the project The Face as Artifact in art and science
Albrecht Koschorke, germanist, 2000–2006 external head of the project Poetologie der Körperschaften
Sybille Krämer, philosopher, 2012–2016 external head of the project Testimony/Bearing Witness. A Controversial Concept. An Examination of the Interchange between the Systematic and Cultural Research Perspectives (FU Berlin)
Irmela Marei Krüger-Fürhoff, germanist/comparatist, 2010–2014 research assistant to the direction
Maria Kuberg, literary scholar, 2018–2019 research associate with the project Unity and Multiplicity. Epic Poetics in Late Humanism and Early Enlightenment, 2016–2017 doctoral fellow with the project The Chorus in Contemporary Plays
Julia Kursell, musicologist/slavist/literary scholar, 2001–2002 research associate for the project Russische Erinnerungsliteratur und die Zivilisationsbrüche des 20. Jahrhunderts
Christine Kutschbach, americanist, 2011–2016 at ZfL, last worked as research assistant to the Direction
Konstantine Ladaria, sociologist, 2012–2015 doctoral researcher for the project The Cultural Semantics of Georgia between the Caucasus and the Black Sea (in Tbilisi)
Perdita Ladwig, cultural theorist, 2008–2010 research associate for the project Aby Warburg: Volume of Works
Lukas Laier, communication scientist, 2023–2024 research team member in the project Edition der Werke Hermann Borchardts
Eberhard Lämmert †, germanist/literary scholar, founding director, until 1999 director of the ZfL
Joel B. Lande, literary scholar, 2019–2020 Alexander von Humboldt Foundation research fellow at the ZfL with the project Vagabond Wisdom. Goethe in the Face of the French Revolution
Kyoung-Jin Lee, literary scholar, 2021–2022 research fellow with the project History of (German) Literary Histories
Günter H. Lenz †, americanist, 2001–2005 head of the project Die ‘anderen Modernen’ New Yorks. Stadträume als Kontaktzonen kultureller Übersetzung
Noa Levin, philosopher, 2018–2019 fellow of the Academic Scholarship Foundation of The Berlin House of Representatives with the project Benjamin’s Conception of Montage and Politics of the Image as Non-Systematic Critical Method
Kevin Liggieri, philosopher/germanist, 2017–2018 Carlo Barck Prize Fellow with the project Technology and Anthropology. Engineering and Humanities in dialogue
Cláudia Linhares Sanz, communication scholar/journalist/fotographer (Universidade de Brasilia), 2017–2018 research fellow at the ZfL with the project The idea of future and the contemporary education
Dorothea Löbbermann, americanist, 2001–2003 research associate for the project Die ‘anderen Modernen’ New Yorks. Stadträume als Kontaktzonen kultureller Übersetzung
Christian Luckscheiter, literary scholar, 2008–2010 ZfL doctoral fellow with the project Ortsschriften Peter Handkes, 2006–2007 personal assistant to the direction
Susanne Lüdemann, literary scholar, 2000–2006 research associate for the project Poetologie der Körperschaften
Vanessa Lux, psychologist, 2013–2015 research associate for the project Neuro-Psychoanalysis and Pain. Neurosciences between Natural Science and Cultural Studies, 2011–2013 research associate for the project Cultural Factors of Inheritance
Francisco De Ambrosis Pinheiro Machado, philospher, 2019 fellow of the Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP) with the project Childhood and the Interaction between Mankind and Nature in Walter Benjamin
Thomas Macho, philosopher/cultural theorist, 2008–2017 conceptual advisor to the ZfL
Karl Heinz Magister, americanist, 2001–2005 research associate for the project Die ‘anderen Modernen’ New Yorks. Stadträume als Kontaktzonen kultureller Übersetzung, 1996–2001 research associate for the project “Grenzüberschreitungen der Moderne. Intermediale Erscheinungsformen der Literatur in den Kontaktzonen des kulturellen Transfers zwischen Nord- und Südamerika”
Sonja Mählmann, cultural theorist, 2012–2016 research associate for the project “Dokumente des Wahns. Fabulieren und Querulieren in Literatur und Psychiatrie” in the research network Cultures of Madness
Giorgi Maisuradze, philospher, 2013 research associate for the project Das europäische Subjekt. Vergleichende Untersuchungen zum Kulturheros, 2011–2013 research associate for the project The European Subject and the ‘Homo sovieticus’, 2008–2010 research associate for the project Aporias of Forced Modernization. Representations of the National in the Soviet Empire
Stefan Manns, germanist, 2009–2010 research associate for the project Sacramental Representation
Hannah Markus, germanist, 2017–2019 head of the project Poetics – Marketing – Formal Concession? The Reception of Peritexts in Canonical Works, 2014–2016 research associate for the project Poetics and Jewish Philosophy. Gershom Scholem Edition
Romy Marschall, cultural scientist, 2008–2011 ZfL doctoral fellow with the project Ausdruckstheoretische Ansätze bei Aby Warburg und Franz Dornseiff im wissenschaftshistorischen Kontext um 1900, worked before as student assistant
Magdalena Marszałek, slavist, 2006–2009 external head of the sub-project “Vilnius/Litauen: Überdeterminierter Raum zwischen Besatzung und nationalem Gedächtnis” in the project Topography of the Plural Cultures of Europe, Regarding the ‘Shift of Europe to the East’
Ethel Matala de Mazza, germanist, 2000–2002 research associate for the project Poetologie der Körperschaften
Matthias Meindl, philosopher/slavist, 2008–2011 ZfL doctoral fellow with the project Politische Narrative und Inszenierungen in der russischen Gegenwartsliteratur
Sigrun Meinig, literary scholar, 2011 research associate for the project Skull Base Knowledge. Cultural Implications of Cranial Plastic Surgery
Ivonne Meybohm, historian, 2016–2019 research assistant to the direction
Maud Meyzaud, literary scholar, 2021–2023 head of the project Al-Andalus and the Origins of Orientalism: “Ḥayy ibn Yaqẓān” and its Journey through the European Enlightenment
Robert Mitchell, literary scholar, 2022–2023 visiting scholar with the project Arendt, the Anthropocene, and Narrative
Susan Morrow, germanist, 2021 Carlo Barck Prize Fellow, 2020–2021 DAAD Fellow with the project Schematism: Poetics on the Way to Kant, 1760–1790
Natalie Moser, literary scholar, 2015–2016 research associate with the project Endless Narration? On German Literature and Literary Studies After 1945
Sandra Mühlenberend, art scholar, 2001–2005 research associate for the projects WissensKünste. Die Kunst zu wissen und das Wissen der Kunst and Leonardo-Effekte - Trennungsgeschichte von Natur- und Geisteswissenschaften
Dorit Müller, germanist, 2006–2007 research associate for the project Populäres Wissen im Medienwandel: Verbreitung naturwissenschaftlichen Wissens im nichtfiktionalen Film 1920–1950, 2001–2005 research associate for the project Zum Wissenschaftsverständnis der Literaturwissenschaften in Deutschland in ihrem Bezug zu natur-, sozial-, technik-, und kulturwissenschaftlichen Disziplinen 1890–2000
Inge Münz-Koenen, media theorist, 1996–2007 research associate, 2005–2007 head of the project Der Umbau hinter der Restauration. Eine Medienarchäologie der Nachkriegszeit, 2001–2005 head of project Archäologie der Moderne. Eine neue Sinneskultur im frühen 20. Jahrhundert, 1996–2001 research associate for the project Geschichte der deutschen Literaturwissenschaft seit 1945 – Veränderungen des Literaturbegriffs
Luka Nakhutsrishvili, literary scholar, 2015–2017 Alexander von Humboldt Foundation research fellow at the ZfL with the project The Dissonant Gesamtkunstwerk. Wagner Productions between Artistic Craft and Aesthetic Ideology
Barbara Nagel, germanist, 2023, 2022 Alexander von Humboldt Foundation research fellow at the ZfL with the project The Mighty Hater: Martin Luther’s Reformations of Rhetoric and Affect
Waltraud Naumann-Beyer, philosopher, 2001–2005 head of the project Interdiskursive Revisionen des ästhetischen Wissens im Licht des Verhältnisses von Geistes- und Naturwissenschaften: Fokus 19. Jahrhundert, 1992–2005 research associate for the project Ästhetische Grundbegriffe
Angelika Neuwirth, cultural scientist, 2005–2015 external head of the project Figurations of the Martyr in Near Eastern and European Literature
Maryam Palizban, theatre scholar, 2012–2015 doctoral researcher for the project Figurations of the Martyr in Near Eastern and European Literature
Lukas Pallitsch, literary scholar/philosopher, 2014–2016 ZfL doctoral fellow with the project Jeremiah – Prophet of Doom. Memory Traces in the Works of Stefan Zweig and Franz Werfel
Thorsten Palzhoff, literary scholar, 2004–2007 research associate for the project Correspondence of Jacob Taubes
Christina Pareigis, literary scholar, 2014–2018 head of the project Susan Taubes Biography, 2008–2014 research associate for the project Susan Taubes Edition, 2006 organization of the festival NOW - Das Jetzt der Erkennbarkeit. Orte Walter Benjamins in Kultur, Kunst und Wissenschaft, 2003–2004 und 2006–2007 research assistant for the “Susan Taubes archive” at the ZfL
Christoph Paret, philosopher, 2019 research associate with the project Hans Blumenberg's Variations on the End of Theory
Ohad Parnes, biologist, 2007–2010 research associate for the project Generations and Inheritance – Towards an Interpretive Framework for Socio-cultural Change, 2001–2005 research associate for the project Das Konzept der Generation: Zur narrativen, zeitlichen und biologischen Konstruktion von Genealogie
Tatjana Petzer, literary scholar/slavist, 2010–2021 Dilthey Fellow, head of the project Synergy. A History of Knowledge, 2008–2009 associated to the project Topography of the Plural Cultures of Europe, Regarding the ‘Shift of Europe to the East,’ 2006–2008 research associate for the project Intensität. Wirkungskonzepte in religiösen und ästhetischen Diskursen der Moderne
Andreas Pflitsch, arabist, 2006–2010 research associate for the project Topography of the Plural Cultures of Europe, Regarding the ‘Shift of Europe to the East’
Ulrich Plass, literary scholar, 2015–2016 Alexander von Humboldt Foundation research fellow at the ZfL with the project Representing Time in Capitalist Realism in Contemporary German and English Literature
Erik Porath, media theorist, 2008–2010 research associate for the project Expressive Gestures between Evolutionary Theory and Cultural History, 2001–2005 research associate for the project Leonardo-Effekte – Trennungsgeschichte von Natur- und Geisteswissenschaften
Sarah Pourciau, literary scholar, 2023–2024 visiting scholar with the project Creativity and Computation: a History of the Mathematical Sublime, 2018–2019 research associate with the project The Broken Medium. An Austrian Modernist Theory of the Event
Sandra Pravica, philosopher, 2014–2016 research associate for the project Security and the Future. A Cultural Studies Approach
Helen Przibilla, judaist, 2006–2009 research associate for the project Topography of the Plural Cultures of Europe, Regarding the ‘Shift of Europe to the East’, 2005–2008 research associate for the project Martyrs by Religious-Cultural Comparison
Denise Reimann, cultural theorist, 2014–2016 ZfL doctoral fellow with the project Borderline encounters with voice. A study of the pre-history of bioacoustics at the cutting edge of science, media technology and literature around 1800 and 1900
Stefan Reinsch, physician/anthropologist, 2011–2012 research associate for the project Skull Base Knowledge. Cultural Implications of Cranial Plastic Surgery (Charité Berlin)
Anne-Kathrin Reulecke, literary scholar, 2010–2012 head of the project Blindness as a Figure of Knowledge in Literature and Film
Jörg Thomas Richter, americanist, 2014 head of the project The Shifting Borders of Biology, 2011–2013 research associate for the project Cultural Factors of Inheritance, 2007–2010 research associate for the project Generations and Inheritance – Towards an Interpretive Framework for Socio-cultural Change
Utz Riese †, americanist, 1996–2001 head of the project “Grenzüberschreitungen der Moderne. Intermediale Erscheinungsformen der Literatur in den Kontaktzonen des kulturellen Transfers zwischen Nord- und Südamerika”
Salome Rodeck, cultural and literary scholar, 2020–2024 doctoral fellow with the project Symbiotic Lives: Theories and Practices of Coexistence in Lynn Margulis and Donna Haraway
Elisa Ronzheimer, literary scholar, 2016–2018 doctoral fellow of the MacMillan Center and the Yale Graduate School of Arts and Sciences at the ZfL with the project Poetic Rhythm around 1800
Rainer Rosenberg †, germanist, 1996–2001 head of the project Geschichte der deutschen Literaturwissenschaft seit 1945 – Veränderungen des Literaturbegriff
Nina Samuel, historian of art, 2013–2017 research associate for the project The Epistemic Reverse Side of Instrumental Images
Sylvia Sasse, slavist, 2006–2009 external head of the sub-project “Die Mitte liegt im Osten” in the project Topography of the Plural Cultures of Europe, Regarding the ‘Shift of Europe to the East’, 2005–2008 research associate for the project Intensität. Wirkungskonzepte in religiösen und ästhetischen Diskursen der Moderne, 2001–2005 research associate for the project Russische Erinnerungsliteratur und die Zivilisationsbrüche des 20. Jahrhunderts
Caroline Sauter, literary scholar, 2014–2016 research associate for the project Cultures of Text and Religion
Armin Schäfer, literary scholar, 2009–2016 external head in the research network Cultures of Madness
Gerhard Scharbert, cultural theorist, 2008–2010 research associate for the project Freud and the Sciences. circa 1900 and circa 2000
Mareike Schildmann, germanist, 2018–2019 research associate for the project Life Lessons and the Art of Life. Translating Life into Philosophy and the Arts
Wolfgang Schivelbusch †, historian and publicist, 2014–2023 ZfL senior fellow, 2020–2023 with the project Redemption Through Return, 2015–2019 with the project Theory of Retreat
Dieter Schlenstedt †, literary scholar, 1966–1991 research associate at the Zentralinstitut für Literaturgeschichte der Akademie der Wissenschaften der DDR, i.a. research associate for the project Ästhetische Grundbegriffe
Heike Schlie, historian of art, 2012–2014 research associate for the project Testimony/Bearing Witness. A Controversial Concept. An Examination of the Interchange between the Systematic and Cultural Research Perspectives, 2008–2010 research associate for the project Sacramental Representation
Christoph Schmälzle, cultural scientist, 2010–2011 ZfL doctoral fellow with the project The Laocoön group in the aesthetic theory of 1506–1905
Sibylle Schmidt, philosopher, 2012–2015 external research associate for the project Testimony/Bearing Witness. A Controversial Concept. An Examination of the Interchange between the Systematic and Cultural Research Perspectives (FU Berlin)
Lydia Schmuck, literary and cultural scholar, 2021–2023 head of the project Exploration of the Carlo Barck Archive. Extra-European Relations in the Conception of the “Basic Concepts of Aesthetics”
Leander Scholz, philosopher and author, 2021–2023 ZfL research fellow in the program area Knowledge of Life
Christian Schön, 2010–2013 ZfL doctoral fellow with the project Vom Verschwinden des Geldes. Zur kulturellen Semantik des Monetären in der Moderne und Gegenwart, worked before as student assistant
Lisa Schreiber, media/cultural theorist, 2013–2019 doctoral fellow with the project Coded Emotions. Landmarks of Affective Science from Photographic Record to Digitalization (1960 to today)
Alexander Schwieren, literary and communication scholar, 2008–2010 ZfL doctoral fellow with the project Gerontographien: Eine Begriffs- und Kulturgeschichte des Alterswerks, worked before as student assistant
Ross Gillum Shields, germanist/comparatist, 2020–2021 research associate with the project “Formation is Life.” Organicism and Aesthetic Modernism, 2018–2019 research associate for the project Forms and Functions of Relations to the World
Diba Shokri, comparatist/psychologist, 2020–2022 research associate with the dissertation project Psychologism. History of a Suspicion in the Literary Field of the Early 20th Century
Jan Söffner, romance philologist, 2008–2010 research associate for the project Emotion and Motion
Katrin Solhdju, cultural theorist, 2014–2015 research associate for the project Bioethics. A Cultural Theory Approach, 2012–2013 research associate for the project Hereditary Chorea. Test – Diagnostic – Prognostic, 2007–2010 research associate for the project Anästhesie und Literatur. Diskursive und literarische Zonen des Ausfalls in der Kognition, 1800–1900
Klaus Städtke, head of the project “Der auktoriale Diskurs in vergleichender Sicht”
Stephan Steiner, philosopher, 2013–2015 research associate for the project Synergy. A History of Knowledge, 2012–2013 research associate in the edition Correspondence of Jacob Taubes
Johannes Steizinger, philosopher, 2013–2014 Thyssen-Stiftung fellow at the ZfL with the project Discourses of Life. Paradigmatic Concepts around 1900 and its Significance for the Present, 2012–2013 research associate for the project Susan Taubes Edition
Robert Stockhammer, literary scholar, 2005–2007 head of the project Elemente zu einer kulturwissenschaftlichen Geschichte grammatischer Theorien, 2002–2005 head of the project Afrika Europa. Transporte, Übersetzungen, Migrationen des Literarischen, 2000–2005 academic director
Gregor Streim, literary scholar, 2001–2002 research associate for the project Zum Wissenschaftsverständnis der Literaturwissenschaften in Deutschland in ihrem Bezug zu natur-, sozial-, technik- und kulturwissenschaftlichen Disziplinen 1890–2000
Marianne Streisand, literary/theatre scholar, 2001–2003 research associate for the project Archäologie der Moderne. Ästhetische Entwürfe und künstlerische Praktiken im Kontext einer ‘neuen Sinneskultur’ im frühen 20. Jahrhundert
Simon Strick, americanist, 2012–2014 research associate for the project Skull Base Knowledge. Cultural Implications of Cranial Plastic Surgery
Elisabeth Strowick, literary scholar, 2006–2007 research associate for the project Anästhesie und Literatur. Diskursive und literarische Zonen des Ausfalls in der Kognition, 1800–1900
Eva Stubenrauch, literary scholar, 2021–2023 postdoctoral researcher with the project Incorporating Innovation. Structural Moments in the History of Theory and Literary Studies (1870/1970)
Vahé Tachjian, social scientist, 2006–2009 research associate for the project Topography of the Plural Cultures of Europe, Regarding the ‘Shift of Europe to the East’
Marita Tatari, philosopher, 2020–2021 Feodor Lynen Research Fellow of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation with the project Hannah Arendt, Friedrich Heinrich Jacobi and the limits of art under postcolonial conditions. On the actuality of an improbable connection
Pedro Heliodoro Tavares, philologist/literary scholar, 2016 FAPESP fellow with the project Translation, Knowledge, and Culture – On Freudian Psychoanalysis and Vilém Flusser’s Translation Theories
Eka Tchkoidze, historian, 2016–2018 research associate for the project Batumi, Odessa, Trabzon. The Cultural Semantics of the Black Sea from the Perspective of Eastern Port Cities (in Tbilisi)
Zoran Terzić, cultural theorist, 2008 research associate for the project Aporias of Forced Modernization. Representations of the National in the Soviet Empire
Li Anna Töppe, historian of art, 2011–2014 doctoral researcher for the project Skull Base Knowledge. Cultural Implications of Cranial Plastic Surgery
Sebastian Truskolaski, philosopher and literary scholar, 2021–2024 Alexander von Humboldt Foundation research fellow with the project Gestures of Community: Reading Hölderlin with Benjamin, Landauer, and Rosenzweig
Sebastian Unger, author and cultural theorist, 2020 Return Scholarship of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) for the project Be Thy Knowledge! On the Representation Crisis of Nature
Ulrike Vedder, germanist, 2007–2010 research associate for the project Generations and Inheritance – Towards an Interpretive Framework for Socio-cultural Change, 2004–2007 research associate in the project Erbe, Erbschaft, Vererbung. Überlieferungskonzepte zwischen Natur und Kultur im historischen Wandel, personal assistant to the direction
Martin Vialon, germanist/art scholar, 2006–2008 head of the project Erich Auerbach. Edition und Monographie
Margarete Vöhringer, art historian and historian of science, 2014–2017 head of the project Practices of Knowledge. Images in the History of Experimental and Applied Life Sciences, 2013–2017 coordinator of the project The Epistemic Reverse Side of Instrumental Images, 2011–2013 head of the project The Eye in the Laboratory, 2011–2015 head of the research area “Visuelles Wissen”, 2005–2008 research associate for the project Reflex und Kognition. Zur Konfiguration der Neurosciences
Tile von Damm, political scientist, 2008–2010 academic referent at the ZfL
Hans-Christian von Hermann, theatre scholar, 2000–2002 research associate for the project EUROPA. Aufschreibesysteme aus Codes, Medien und Künsten
Mai Wegener, psychologist, 2001–2005 research associate for the project Leonardo-Effekte. Exemplarische Konstellationen der Trennungsgeschichte von Natur- und Geisteswissenschaften: 1800 - 1900 - 2000
Daniel Weidner, comparatist, 2010–2020 associate director of the ZfL, 2019–2020 head of the project Walter Benjamin's Journalistic Networks, 2014–2016 head of the projects German as the Language for the Humanities around 1800 and Cultures of Text and Religion, 2011–2013 head of the project Tragedy and Trauerspiel, 2008–2010 head of the project Sacramental Representation, 2005–2007 head of the project Bibelphilologie und Literaturwissenschaft, 2000–2005 research associate for the project Figuren des Sakralen in der Dialektik der Säkularisierung
Judith Elisabeth Weiss, art historian/ethnologist, 2017–2020 head of the project Archetype and Transformation. Natural Models and the Paradox of Artistic Naturalness, 2014–2015 research assistant to the direction, 2011–2014 research associate for the project The Face as Artifact in Art and Science
Erica Weitzman, literary scholar, 2017–2018 Alexander von Humboldt Foundation research fellow at the ZfL with the project At the Limit of the Obscene. Realism, Profanation, Aesthetics
Caroline Welsh, germanist, 2002–2005 research associate for the project Leonardo-Effekte. Exemplarische Konstellationen der Trennungsgeschichte von Natur- und Geisteswissenschaften: 1800 – 1900 – 2000
Stefanie Wenner, philosopher, 2004–2005 assistant to the director
Lidia Westermann, literary scholar, 2010 doctoral fellow
Hannah Wiemer, media scientist, 2014–2016 ZfL doctoral fellow with the project Camouflage. Reading Landscape in Theater, Art, and War 1914–1945
Markus Wilczek, germanist, 2016–2017 Alexander von Humboldt Foundation research fellow at the ZfL with the project The Future of Sustainability
Cornelia Wild, cultural scientist/romance philologist, 2006–2008 head of the project Anästhesie und Literatur. Diskursive und literarische Zonen des Ausfalls in der Kognition, 1800–1900
Stefan Willer, comparatist, 2010–2018 co-director of the ZfL, 2014–2017 head of the project Security and the Future. A Cultural Studies Approach, 2014–2016 head of the project Translations in the Transfer of Knowledge, 2010–2013 head of the project Prognostics and Literature, 2007–2010 research associate for the project Generations and Inheritance – Towards an Interpretive Framework for Socio-cultural Change, 2004–2007 research associate for the project Erbe, Erbschaft, Vererbung. Überlieferungskonzepte zwischen Natur und Kultur im historischen Wandel, 2001–2004 research associate for the project Das Konzept der Generation. Zur narrativen, zeitlichen und biologischen Konstruktion von Genealogie
Barbara Winckler, arabist, 2009–2010 research associate for the project Topography of the Plural Cultures of Europe, Regarding the ‘Shift of Europe to the East’
Karine Winkelvoss, germanist, 2015–2018 Alexander von Humboldt Foundation research fellow at the ZfL with the project The Poetics of the Pathos Formula. At the Intersection of Cultural and Literary Studies
Uwe Wirth, germanist, 2005–2007 research manager and coordinator at the ZfL
Yvonne Wübben, physician/philosopher/germanist, 2006–2008 head of the project Reflex und Kognition. Zur Konfiguration der Neurosciences
Stefan Wünsch, historian, 2009–2013 doctoral fellow in the research network Cultures of Madness with the project The Sick Generation. Medicine and Prostitution in Early-20th-Century Berlin
Sandro Zanetti, literary scholar, 2005–2008 research associate for the project Intensität. Wirkungskonzepte in religiösen und ästhetischen Diskursen der Moderne, 2007 head of the project Erinnerungsarbeiten – Neueinsätze – Werkinszenierungen. Entwürfe und Fallstudien zu einer Theorie literarischer Spätwerke
Giga Zedania, philosopher, 2012–2015 external head of the project The Cultural Semantics of Georgia between the Caucasus and the Black Sea (in Tbilisi)